
Hotel and restaurant complex «Saksagan»

The first in Kryvyi Rih hotel will attract those people to whom perfect cleanness, quietness, fresh air, diversified cuisine, stylish well-designed interior and respectable communication are of great value. Special feeling and moderate luxury are represented in each room of the hotel «Saksagan».

Our hotel complex is located away from multistory buildings and noisy streets of Kryvyi Rih in the private park area 9 km far from the city centre in protected territory.

The territory of the complex borders on the rarest historical and geographical place, Dubova Balka (Oak Gully), formed 11,000 years ago. We associated ourselves with revival of this historical relic, forming park area of our complex by planting and growing oak spears.

Hotel «Saksagan» (Kryvyi Rih) is a wonderful park, exotic winter garden, spacious and light rooms of different types ranging from Standard ones to Suites and Apartments for the most comfort exacting guests, gastronomical restaurant for gourmets, sports and fitness centre, supermodern business centre with conference halls and meeting rooms.

Staying at our hotel you will have a good rest, and therefore will be perfectly ready to deal with any, both business and personal, matters.

Enjoy the top level comfort. Surround yourself with warmth and coziness which you dream of.

Hotel «Saksagan» is your best choice.

Hotels of Kryvyi Rih are always open for you!


Please be advised that as of 16th December 2012 it will be illegal to smoke in any public areas (restaurants, bars and all guest rooms) by the Law of Ukraine. Guests who wish to smoke can do so in our smoking lounge which is located on the first floor. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

In «News» section we report the latest events in hotel «Saksagan». At your convenience we announce changes and innovations in work of our hotel, restaurant and business centre.

Special offer:

New restaurant menu

Loyalty program

Wedding offer


July 1, 2015 Открытие официального представительства Пикник-клуба "Вконтакте" и"Facebook"!

Для Вашего удобства мы открыли официальные представительства Пикник-клуба "Саксагань" в социальных сетях "Вконтакте" и "Facebook":


Для наших маленьких гостей и их родителей в парковой зоне отеля размещен детский городок для игр. Также работает "детский автопарк" (велосипеды, веломобиль, самокаты, электромобиль.

По субботам с 11:00 до 23:00 
с детьми играет АНИМАТОР!
Все услуги гостям Пикник клуба
предоставляются БЕСПЛАТНО!

Приятного отдыха! Ждем Вас у нас!

April 23, 2015 НОВИНКА СЕЗОНА!

Где в Кривом Роге можно устроить пикник с комфортом? 

Приглашаем Вас в ПИКНИК КЛУБ ресторана «САКСАГАНЬ»! 

Aренда лужаек, мангалов, лесной мебели. Берите детей, друзей, свои продукты и напитки, приезжайте к нам!
Места ограничены, бронируйте поляны по тел: 067 560 1884, или на сайте piknik.club

Hotel Saksagan

«Hotel Saksagan»
11 Dyshynskoho Street,
Kryvyi Rih, 50012,

tel.    +38 (0564) 66-29-01
mob. +38 (067) 560-18-83

Maps and routes

Virtual tour
Video gallery

(0564) 66-29-01

On-line reservationЗабронюйте зараз

American Express